My Coaching and Strategic Philosophy


1. Each moment describes who you are and gives you the opportunity to decide if that’s who you want to be

Like Choose Your Own Adventure, or George Eliot’s quote, it’s never too late to be what you might have been, we are all and always in constant transition as we move through life. and as long as we understand that our change is constant, we can direct it to wards what we want and choose.

4. The answers to all questions lie within

As humans, we often look to external sources and support for answers to our questions and insecurities when in fact, we have everything in ourselves to answer those questions aready, we simply need a trusted, guiding hand to tap into what we already know and trust in ourseves.

2. Each of us is greater and wiser than we appear to be

We often undervalue the gifts that others see in us. I know that I’ve often not recognized my own contributions or valued them

5. The only constant is change

While change can seem frightening and unnerving, especially when it bcomes quickly and potentially puts an end to a situation that felt safe and known, change actually enables growth and opportunity for self-discovery.

3. All experiences are opportunities for growth

Despite what we've been taight, there are no problems or challenges. Only opportunities, and the complementary idea that we have the opportunity to choose as humans, how to perceive and experience everything we encounter in life. If everything is opportunity for growth, we can only grow and flourish in understanding with every experience

6. The Greatest Freedom is the Freedom of Choice

As humans we all have the freedom to choose everything in our lives, especially how we want to experience everything. We simply need to recognize those moments of choice and take action on them.